a nice"dumbass"attemp from my"dumbass"e-buddy!!
haha. i enjoyed so much this movie, a new version of your "dumbass" series.
your humor, as always, surprised me. and your animation, sprites and drawings are exelent, as always too.
i´m glad to watch a complete movie for you, everything is nice in this movie, music, humor, drawings.... i can´t stop commenting this movie
but i must stop. until your next movie.
thanks for this nice movie, and keep going, pal.
ps. you asked me in your last response, how,´s my revenge of the kongs movie is going up, well, it is at 75%: 2 scenes left. and some voice and sounds in the works to finish it. i hope to submit it before halloween. and i hope to make a great movie as yours ;)